Contact Us:

670 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn,
NY 11216

+1 800 966 4564
+1 800 9667 4558

Our Range


This is where it started for us, its what got us so passionate about this business. Timeless and tranquil, these unique dwellings have been used throughout the ages since around 600 BC

Geo Domes

Geo-Domes offer many of the benefits of a Yurt, but with a modern design and a strong yet lightweight construction. These affordable structures can be used in a variety of settings

Tiny Houses

Built right here in Denmark Western Australia, our Tiny Houses are individually crafted from the ground up, we can tailor a Tiny House to your needs, or take a look at our current projects

Get in touch

Start Living Outside The Box!

Let us help you discover the best alternative solutions to your unique needs


+61 406 707 756


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